Software Defined Storage

The world is progressively moving from purpose-built hardware to software-defined.
All our mobile phones have been completely software-defined for long. A click and it becomes a camera. Another click – map / audio player / video player / Fitness tracker. The list is endless.
Software defined storage is an absolutely a proven concept. IBM GPFS (now Spectrum store), Open source Lustre, Solaris ZFS storage and RedHat Gluster were early players which could convert standard x64 servers into a powerful large capacity SDS.
IBM XIV, HP LeftHand SAN, Dell Equalogic were commercially available early ‘avatars’ of SDS.
Today, HCI infrastructure is often used purely for storage or as a compute infra with target storage for physical world.
- MPCL has deployed Lustre PFS for HPC setup for many customers. These PFSs were setup to provide high-performance data access to HPC clusters.
- Technology we work on open source Lustre and IBM Spectrum to offer our customers with object storage with huge capacity and very high performance. We offer HCI based SDS around VMware vSAN, HPE Simplivity, Dell VXRail as target block storage for business workloads.
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